Undercover Cauliflower

June 2, 2013

If you have ever tried to feed kids cauliflower, it can be quite a challenge.  Alex made this amazing dish the other night and I wanted to share it because I thought it was so good.


4 Potatoes

1 Cauliflower

2 Leeks

1 Yellow Pepper

1-2 Cloves of Garlic

1/4tsp Paprika

125g Butter

250g Cheese (We use lactose-free cheese)

Salt & Pepper to Taste

*Gluten free/*Vegetarian

  1. Cube and boil in salted water, the potatoes and cauliflower.
  2. Dice the leeks and pepper. Fry them in a blob of butter with a clove or two of garlic and add the paprika.
  3. Mash potatoes/cauliflower and add the 125g of butter.
  4. Add the leeks and pepper to the potatoes/cauliflower.
  5. Add 250grams of grated cheese to your mixture.
  6. Add salt & pepper to your personal taste.

Feeds 4 Adults or 2 Adults and 4 Kids.

Ratings from our kids:

Aurelia (8yrs.) – “It was great!” – Rated it 4.5/5 – Took her 10min to eat.

Imogen (7yrs.) – “It was so good” – Rated it 5/5 – Took her 10min to eat.

Osias (4yrs.) – “It’s not my favourite… eggs benny is” – Rated it 2/5 – Took him 25min to eat.

Cyra (2yrs.) – Can’t talk yet, but ate a huge bowl (bigger than Osias’)of it in under 5min. = 5/5

Hope your family likes it as much as ours did:)

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Gluten-free Crunch

May 30, 2010
Hazelnut Crunch by Coca Mira


Mmmmmmm!  Okay, so if you have been hunting for some yummy treats because you’ve just found out that you are either celiac or have a gluten intolerance… hunt no more.

These crunches, available in either hazelnut, dark chocolate or maple flavor are TO DIE FOR!

My sister, who is a celiac and I, who has a gluten intolerance, are always on the hunt for tasty gluten-free food products…when we were introduced to these awhile back, our only problem with the product was keeping the “tasting samples” away from my desk and off our hips! But, ohhhh, they are good!

There are a lot of great new gluten-free options that we’ll be adding to our stock and to our blog so keep a look out in the future.  Our g-f radars are tuned in!

If you live in the Cochrane area… check out GF (Gluten-Free) Patisserie… located on 3rd Avenue in a cute little white ‘n blue house… open Wed-Saturday from 10-5pm… please don’t buy up all of her callebaut brownies… those are my favorites!