Bear Cupcakes!

April 25, 2010

Bear Cupcakes

I had to quickly bake up some cupcakes for a baby shower I went to this weekend. I chose these super cute silicone bear baking cups which were a hit at the party. I decided on icing the blue feet myself as it was a little boys baby shower. Having limited time and  in a hurry to get something that looked good and was easy to create.  They were definitely  convenient  and easy to release out of the flexible silicone.

Of course you can find them at Kitchen Boutique ;0)

Baby Bear Cupcake

Earth Day

April 22, 2010

Picture of recycled plastic dinnerware in apple green.Happy Earth Day!  I’m very excited that we got these new Preserve products – just in time to celebrate Earth Day in the store. 

Preserve products are:

*Made from 100% recycled materials

*Made in the USA

*Can be  recycled at any #5 plastic recycle facility or returned to Preserve for recycling. 

*BPA free

*Dishwasher friendly. 

* Available in three colours: green, red and blue. 

*Available as outdoor patio dinnerware (plates, bowls, cups, cutlery), storage containers, colanders, mixing bowl sets and measuring cup sets. 

I’m a huge fan of leaving a better world to my three kids and believe that bringing in products of this nature will help ensure that.  I hope you like ’em and I hope you buy ’em so I can bring in more!!!

Happy Recycling!

Earth note: Kitchen Boutique is a FIERCE recycler (we have one of the best recycling facilities here in Cochrane, Alberta – WOOT! WOOT! and we make ridiculous use of it) and we promote products that are going to last you a long time (less crap that falls apart that’s going into the landfills), so please don’t bulk at some of our prices, just know that we are on Earth’s side and doing everything possible in our business to ensure that our presence is a very small impact on the environment.  Cbreeze.


April 16, 2010


Butter vs. Vegetable Shortening:

Butter or vegetable shortening?  Which do you use in your buttercream?  Or rather which should you use in your buttercream?  The answer quite simply is – whatever you like the taste of.  If you use butter your icing will take on a ‘sunny glow’ but it will colour up just fine with icing colours.  If you use vegetable shortening, especially the white, then your icing will be white so if you are going for a snowy white look, white vegetable shortening is the way to go.  BUT ultimately, the choice is yours.  There are no hard and fast rules for buttercream.  Taste and personal choice are the most important things to consider.

Some buttercream icings can also be made with the addition of real cream, but be aware this should be applied to the cake and then the cake eaten as soon as possible – no hardship for most of us.

REMEMBER  it is what YOU like!  So enjoy.

Until next time

Happy Baking


Sunny Days and Happy Faces

April 16, 2010

“Grey skies are going to clear up ,
Put on a Happy Face,
Brush of the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a Happy Face.
Wipe off that ‘full of doubt look,’
slap on a Happy grin,
and spread sunshine all over the place,
and put on a Happy Face!!

Doesn’t this cute little teapot just make you want to smile and sing! What a great way to start your day.
Have a good one everyone, Lianna

Post Easter Bunny Cake

April 11, 2010

Easter Bunny Cake

This was my first Easter Bunny cake that I made just before Easter weekend.  I really enjoy icing the cakes that I make it’s almost therapeutic for me.  This cake is gluten free because I’m celiac.

The cake tasted wonderful and was a real hit at the birthday party I went to. I think the most important thing to have when it comes to eating cakes is a really good cake to icing ratio.  It’s never good when there’s too much icing or too little. Find that happy medium and your cake eaters will be pleased I promise!

Kitchen Boutique has loads of wonderful cake pans to choose from. They’re very inspirational to decorate.

Here’s a butterfly cake pan that’s perfect for any spring birthday $17.00:

Butterfly Cake Pan

Happy Baking!

Easter Bunny!

April 5, 2010

The cutest Easter Bunny came to visit our Cochrane store location. She was a real hit with all the customers coming into the shop. She hid eggs for the kids in the flower boxes at the front of the store and posed for pictures with all the tourists.  She even took over the front desk to help with some customers.

Easter Bunny at front desk

Easter Bunny in front of shop

DO YOU like chocolate? What’s your favorite MILK , DARK or WHITE? Let us know leave a comment…

The Sensor Soap Pump

April 1, 2010

Sensor Soap Pump

DO YoU love to use the automatic  soap dispensers?

Well now you can get one for your home! These funky and very modern automatic soap pumps are a welcomed addition to any bathroom.  Features of this handy pump include:

1. Touch-free operation Dispenses soap automatically through a touch-free sensor.

2. Built-in light timer Optional light timer blinks for 20 seconds for germ-free hands

3. Continuous dispensing button Hold down the continuous dispensing button to manually dispense soap directly on items.

4. Easy to refill Large, easy to refill opening

5. Four volume settings Allows you to dispense larger or smaller amounts of soap.

6. Battery-operated Operates on 4 “AA” batteries


I myself love to be squeaky clean and always look at my bar of soap and think it’s a bit dirty. I think this will encourage everyone in my house to wash their hands more. I can see this really benefiting us and our guests around flu season.  I can’t wait to try it out! I’m so happy a company has come out with such a great product. (Retails for $52.00 Cdn)

Do YoU think there’s any other products out there that should be automated like the soap dispenser? Let us know in the comments below and we will see if we can get it into our shop.


Check out the video here for a look at the Sensor Soap Pump in action.